Mt. Adams Engagement Session // Justin + Logan

“No matter what you do, don’t interview Hucke.” 

Butterflies filled her belly as she opened the door to the coffee shop. As a new member of a business fraternity at Miami University, she was required to practice her interview skills on a senior. She was a sophomore at the time- so this task seemed a little daunting. All she could hear were the voices in her head that reminded her, “Don’t interview Hucke. Don’t interview Hucke.” 

She interviewed Justin Hucke. 

Curiosity struck and she wanted to find out why everyone was telling her not to meet with him. 

She puts the interview like this, “We met at Starbucks, where I quickly realized why many people were intimated by him - he was blunt, to the point, and didn't seem interested in talking to some sophomore at 9am on a Tuesday morning...that is, until I told him that I was studying abroad in Asia over the winter term. His eyes lit up. Justin had studied abroad in China/Korea the previous summer and was in love with the Chinese language, culture, and food. The rest of our conversation was centered around his advice for being successful and enjoying my trip to Asia.”

The weeks following the interview, Justin and Logan continued to see each other at social events and in between classes with their group of friends. Justin was persistent in keeping up with their conversations via text and Logan was a little unsure about it. She even texted her mom one day and said, "This guy keeps texting me but I really don't think I like him!" 

That didn’t last long. 

Justin was so intriguing and pursuing. Each time they hung out they grew closer and closer in their similarities. Logan finally caved and that was the best decision of her life. 

Logan explains their relationship like this, “Justin truly is my "person" - we are the absolute best of friends and have begun to build a beautiful life together! We share so many of the same viewpoints - from politics, to how we want to raise our future children, to how we want to live our daily lives. We also share so many of the same interests (pandas, Starbucks, politics, Jeopardy/Wheel of Fortune, frozen yogurt, sight-seeing, traveling, good Mexican food, sushi, naps, and so many other things!”

Justin is her person. If she had decided not to take the risk to chat with Justin that day, who knows where life would have led her. 

Everyone might be saying “don’t”…but who knows what could happen if you “do”.


Justin & Logan, 

You guys are so much fun to be around. Thanks for bringing so much joy to my evening. You rocked your session like pros. I can't wait for the real party!! 

xoxo emily