
Growing Old With my Clients

You may notice other photos on my site, social media, and my blog that aren’t wedding photos. To some, that may look a bit different than the typical wedding photographer. For some, that may even be the deciding factor in their decision on a wedding photographer. I’d love to share my thoughts on why I take on other sessions. 

Its as simple as this- I want to grow old with my clients.

….& my hubby of course too (: I don’t want to deliver photos to the bride and groom and shake their hands and say “nice knowin' ya". Thats not my vibe and that doesn’t fit my WHY behind this business. When I take you on as a client, I take you on as a friend. A close close friend that deserves my camera & my images for the rest of their life moments. One of the biggest compliments you can give me as a wedding photographer is to continue to work with me beyond your wedding day. 

Let me share a sweet story with you where I got to grow old with a client and her name is Maggie. 

On October 14, 2015 I met Maggie and Wes in California for our first session, a couple’s session! They were married with two kiddos and had never had photos taken before! I jumped at the opportunity to start to tell their story through professional photographs. They were sending Wes off on a deployment and these photos were able to give Maggie something to hold onto and look at while he was away. 

On February 18th, Brody turned one! She knew she wanted to capture the moment when her son smashed his very first birthday cake. He didn’t love the cake, the feeling, or the fact that everyone was looking at him, but he had a few bites & his big sister took over. It was priceless. 

On August 1, I got a call to head to the hospital, the THIRD kiddo was on his way! Once I arrived, the room was crazy-exactly as you would expect a hospital room to be with two kiddos and a baby! I felt so happy and excited when I walked in. The emotions, how big Brody had gotten, how sweet Kallie was with her brand new baby brother. I wouldn’t have missed that moment for the world! 

It’s important to me that your life and your story is shared…beyond your special day. As an Emily Rochelle bride, you have me for life. Lets grow old together. Lets continue to paint your beautiful story each and every year! Lets capture how stunningly beautiful you are with your huge pregnant belly, the tear that falls down your face when you hold your sweet new baby in your arms, the change over time as your family grows each year. I want to be your life photographer. I can’t wait to see where that life takes you next.